Polo Grounds Outfield Signage 1963

July 8, 1962. Polo Grounds. Stan Musial waits to bat. This is from a Reddit post from teddypicker55. Note the way the outfield advertising signage is treated. Much like lots of sponsorships are done today (for example, “Official Sponsor U.S Olympic Team | “Logo”). Stan went on to hit 3 homers that day, Bob Gibson pitched a complete game and hit a homer as well! And yes, the Mets lost, 15-1.
Here’s another example, in 1963, this time from a Flickr user John Berard. I discovered this on the Baseball-Fever website from user alpineinc (where I also discovered the last Reddit post). You probably have to sign in to see the photos and discussion there, but not for the original Flickr post. Here’s two more. Kudos to whoever designed this outfield wall treatment!!