A Look at the expansion of Cubs Park

Here’s a May 1923 issue of Popular Mechanics detailing the slicing and moving of the stands to create a larger ballpark. Note that the diagram in the article is incorrect, as both sides of the stands had slight angles to them after the expansion, as diagrammed below the article. The GIFs below are set to […]
Municipal Stadium in Kansas City

Kansas City’s Municipal Stadium has an interesting past. Built in 1923 it was originally a single deck park, home of the AA Kansas City Blues. The Negro League Monarchs played here as well. Imagine seeing the great Satchel Paige or Jackie Robinson play there against other Negro League greats!! The Mack family (of Connie Mack […]
West Side Grounds in Chicago

This is an adapted post from my Historic Ballparks Blog. Here’s a great photo of the main entrance of the West Side Grounds. I’d love to see a better pic of the statues on the roof. The flags are celebrating their 1908 championship. And here’s a look at the unique dugouts. The stands at one […]
Polo Grounds Outfield Signage 1963

July 8, 1962. Polo Grounds. Stan Musial waits to bat. This is from a Reddit post from teddypicker55. Note the way the outfield advertising signage is treated. Much like lots of sponsorships are done today (for example, “Official Sponsor U.S Olympic TeamĀ | “Logo”). Stan went on to hit 3 homers that day, Bob Gibson pitched […]
Rooftop Seating Through the Years

Boston’s South End Grounds, built in 1894. On everyone’s list of one of the most picturesque ballparks of all time. A somewhat slipshod fence was built to prevent the properties on the first base side outside the park from getting a good view into the park. With the help of Tom Shieber of the […]